Information about SAFE in English on

Information about SAFE in English on

We have now translated the most significant information about SAFE on our website into English. You will find the information about what SAFE is today, its history, membership and its benefits along with other useful information on these pages. The English pages are found under these two banners on top of our website: «SAFE» and […]

We have now translated the most significant information about SAFE on our website into English. You will find the information about what SAFE is today, its history, membership and its benefits along with other useful information on these pages.

The English pages are found under these two banners on top of our website: «SAFE» and «MEDLEM». Under «SAFE», in the menu to the left, you will find «What is SAFE?» with information about our history, our goals and how we work – and much more. width=

Under «MEDLEM» you will find three English items in the menu: «Become a Member», «Membership Benefits» and «SAFE Education Fund». All with useful information about SAFE, and what the organization can do for its members.

It’s important that all SAFE members convey this new feature on to your English speaking colleagues. It might also be a good idea to print the information on these pages and distribute it as hand outs. Thank you for your help!